Saturday, November 18, 2006

Jericho Gets Picked Up

So there is now officially work until the big wedding.  Jericho was picked up for a back 9 episodes.  This will take Lisa & I up to the end of April to mid-May, when we will then take a delayed honeymoon to the Emerald Isle.

Be sure to tune in on Wednesday at 8pm on CBS and keep me working.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there...this blog popped up in my 'google alerts' about the show "Jericho". Hmmm. Interested in your connection with the show (as it affects your employment, from your post).

Was pulling for "Jericho" success from the start because I am a Skeet Ulrich fan, but now I'm seriously hooked on the show! Congrats on being granted a full season.

Any background you can share with us would be neat-thanks!

7:34 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Lola, thanks for being hooked. If you click on the link to the right, you can look me up on That'll tell ya what I do on the show. Thanks, Steve

10:21 PM  

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